Wednesday, 6 December 2017

summer learning journey

I have Registered for the summer learning journey and I hope others do it to :)

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Cube DLO

Paragliding Mystery

       Paragliding Mystery

The sun was rising with no sound at all in Nusa Dua. Nusa Dua had a sewage smell in the air. There were banana trees, shops and bikes on the side of the road.  Heidi, Mark and Sean were waiting for the wind to change to the south. Heidi started to walk around unpashintle
“ Calm down Heide,” Said Sean trying to calm her down.
“ I’m tired of waiting for the wind,” Heidi said impatiently.
“Come look at the wails jump out of the water,’’ Sean says with excitement.
From the top of the mountain they could see some whales jumping out of the water like little fish.

Screenshot 2017-11-06 at 9.59.45 AM.pngIt was about 10 minutes before the wind changed.  Mark took off first with his long jeans dragging on the ground then Sean and finally Heidi took off. They were up there for ages.

There was a big cloud called a cumulonimbus which could be dangerous to paragliders. Everyone was trying to land but Sean, Mark and Heidi got sucked up into it. Everyone was worried. All they could see were three paraglider wings and then nothing was there. They were circling for so long above the cumulonimbus Sean began to wonder if they would ever land again then Sean passed out.

Later Sean woke up on an island and there was no one in sight. For a second he was scared but then he heard a groan under his wing and it was Mark and Heidi.
“Are you ok!?” asked Sean.
“Yes,” groaned Mark and Heidi.

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They were confused and didn't know where they were.
“We need to find shelter,” Mark insisted.
“And we need a campfire to keep warm,” noted Heidi
“I will go and find some wood for the fire while you two make a shelter,” suggested Sean.
“ Ok and get a lot because we need it to last us through the night,” said Mark.
“Ok!” yelled Sean walking into the woods.

Screenshot 2017-11-08 at 10.20.39 AM.pngIt was getting dark and Sean was not back. Mark and Heidi had finished the hut.  Then Mark saw Sean in the distance with a lot of wood behind him on a big flax trailer he made. Later Sean finally made a fire
“How  did you find all of this wood?” said Mark
                                                                    “I climbed some trees with lots              of wood between two  branches,” said Sean  
“Nice,” said Mark.
The next day Mark and Sean climbed up this hill that was a volcano but they did not know that it was a volcano. When the felt a breeze they stop to measure the wind. It was 2 knots which is not near enough to fly. So they walked down back to the hut where eidi was cooking breakfast
“What's for breakfast?” asked Sean

“Eggs!!” snapped Heidi
“Where did you get them from?” wondered Mark
“There are some chickens wandering the island,” Heidi exclaimed in surprise.
They all ate the eggs and then Mark and Heidi went to get leaves for the roof for the hut they were staying in. Sean stayed and cleaned up the hut.  He made pillows from the harnesses.  He thought of using the wings as blankets but then he knew they had the keep them in one piece for when the wind was right.  Instead he got some flax and made three long blankets of flax and then he had a little nap.

In the woods Mark and Heidi had a lot of leaves in their arms.  They went back to the hut and when they got there they saw Sean was sleeping.
“WAKE UP!” yelled Mark.
Sean jumped with surprise.
“How long were you there for?”  Sean said with surprise.
“Two minutes,” judged Mark.
“Okay,” said Sean with relief.
“Lunch,’’ yelled Heidi.
“ I’ll race you there,” challenged Sean.
“ You’re on!” replied Mark.
They ran.  Sean was ahead by a good ten meters but then Mark put on the gas and ran with all of his heart and he won.
“YES!” Marked yelled.
“Nice,”  Sean gasping for air.
When they finished lunch Sean went to have a swim in the sea. After he came back
“Mark,” he yelled.
“What is it?” Asked Mark.
“Look at this stone,’’ said Sean with excitement.
“ It looks like a manaia,” Yelled Mark with excitement.
“I'm going to show Heidi,” whispered Sean.
“Heidi!” yelled Sean.
“What!’’ Heidi Yelled.
“Look I found a manaia,’’ Sean cheered.
“Cool,” Heidi replied.
Later they went to sleep in the hut Sean had the manaia in his hands.

Two weeks and 4 days went by, as usual Mark and Sean went up on the hill but this time there was smoke so they want to have a look and they found out that it was a volcano not a hill Sean meshed the wind it was 10 knots.
“10 notes!” Sean yelled.
“ Let's tell Heidi!” Mark yelled.
Sean and Mark ran down the volcano to the hut where Heidi was sitting.
“Heidi!” yelled Sean and Mark
“What,” Heidi asked confused
“VOLCANO!’’ Sean Screamed
“ Is the wind between 9 and 13 knots?’’
“Yes it’s at 10 knots,’’ Sean yelled
“ Let's go,” yelled Mark.
They grabbed their wings and harnesses and ran up hill. The hooked into their harnesses. Sean went first, he was away. He circled the Island until Mark and Heidi  got in the air and there was just Mark to get up, but the volcano erupted and Mark was still on the island. Rocks were flying in the air,  Mark runs and jumps.  Sean and Heidi can't see Mark because of the smoke, there was nothing, but then Sean sees Mark.
“Look there he is!” yelled Sean with excitement.
“Let's go home guys,” said Mark on the radio.

It took them 142 minutes to get back to the mainland.  When they landed everyone was happy to see them again.
For the three adventures this is something they never want to experience again.                                 


Circle DLO

Toi whakairo

Monday, 18 September 2017

Political Pamphlet

We have to create a pamphlet for our political party using “Canva”. We need to think about layout, and readability.  We need to include at least two policies, information about our leadership and participants. We need to include our slogan and logo.

✓ Name of party
✓ ID leaders
✓ Slogan
  • Deliberate use of colour
✓ Photo of party participants
✓ Clear to read and see
  • No overlap (Layout) It over laps into the other columns
✓ Logo
  • Contact Details
✓ Policies x2  

When I compared my pamphlet to a real political party pamphlet I got 7/10 for my political pamphlet. Next time I need to think about
  • Deliberate use of colour
  • Layout
  • Contact Details

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Screenshot 2017-09-18 at 10.06.30 AM.png

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Homelessness speech

        Success Criteria: we will have met our learning intentions when we can
  • Plan our speech using Coggle
  • Construct texts that show an awareness of purpose and audience through deliberate choice of content, language, and text form.
  • Convey and sustain personal voice where appropriate.
  • Write and film our own version of a “edTalk” to share with our peers.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Matariki word cloud

We are learning to present our thinking and ideas in a range of ways.  
Context: Matariki
We will have been successful when we have gathered our vocabulary around Matariki and presented it in a word cloud on our learning blog.

We went to to build our word clouds.

Friday, 30 June 2017

Te Reo Māori Words for clothing/kākahu

In He Kākano we have been learning how to say the words for clothing/Kākahu in Te Reo Māori. Watch my slideshow and and video below so that you can learn too.

Traditional Māori Clothing/Kākahu

On Friday mornings I am in the he kākano class which is a senior Te Reo Māori extension class. We learn about Māori language and culture. This term we have been learning about traditional Māori clothing and we had a go at creating our own garments. Here is our work. Please leave a positive, helpful and thoughtful comment.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017


Create - Mathematics. We are learning to plan and conduct investigations using the statistical enquiry cycle:
- determining appropriate variables and data collection methods;
- gathering, sorting, and displaying multivariate category, and time series data to detect patterns, variations, relationships and trends;
- comparing distributions visually;
- communicating findings, using appropriate displays.
We will have met the success criteria when we
  • Develop an understanding of how to use a tally chart and a frequency table.
  • Use a spreadsheet to record our tally / frequency data.
  • Correctly develop a graph or chart using a spreadsheet programme. (Google Sheets)
  • Develop a clear statement based on our graphed data and share our learning on our learning blogs.

Data gathered
 Jun 12, 2017 12:21:07 PM.jpg

                                                               Data used
Screenshot 2017-06-12 at 12.14.19 PM.png

Final graph
The pages with the most articles are page 13 to 14. The pages with the latest articles wore pages 3 to 4. This shows that pages 13 to 14 are most likely to be looked at longer than all the other pages and pages 3 to 4 are less likely to be looked at for longer. Why does Pg 3 and 4 have less articles than pg 13 and 14?


Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Monday, 8 May 2017

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Friday, 24 February 2017

Learning Languages: WALT introduce ourselves and our whanau through mihi

P1210964.JPGLearning languages: WALT

introduce ourselves and our whanau
through mihi         

Kia ora koutou

Ko Sean tōku ingua

No Tamaki ahau

Ko Rangitoto tōku maunga

Ko Waikato tōku awa

Ko Nga Puhi nui tōku iwi

Ko Ngati Pakau tōku hapū

Ko Mel toku māmā

Ko Nick tōku pāpā

Ko Levi tōku teina

Ko Max tōku kuri

Tēnā koutou katoa